Working with the Explorer Context Menu
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You can initiate most common operations on archives from My Computer or Windows Explorer context menus. In many cases, you won't even need to display or use the main IZArc window.

Unzipping files from My Computer or Windows Explorer

Right click an Archive file in a Windows Explorer window, then choose Extract to... or Extract Here menu item.

Zipping files from My Computer or Windows Explorer

Select one or more files in a Windows Explorer window, then right click any of the selected files and choose Add to (File Name).zip or Add to Archive File..

Making Self-Extracting File

Right click an Archive file in a Windows Explorer window, then choose Make Self-Extracting (.EXE) File menu item.

Converting Archives from My Computer or Windows Explorer
Right click an Archive file in a Windows Explorer window, then choose Convert Archive menu item.  
E-Mail Archives from My Computer or Windows Explorer
Right click an Archive file in a Windows Explorer window, then choose E-Mail (File Name) menu item.  
Test Archives from My Computer or Windows Explorer

Right click an Archive file in a Windows Explorer window, then choose Test menu item.